Choosing the right tile removal method for the surface underneath cam save you time, money and anguish!

Wall tiles mostly appear in bathrooms and kitchens and in occasional living area. The most appropriate method of wall tile removal depends on the wall surface underneath.

In some, but not all cases it’s possible to achieve a damage free tile removal. This allows the wall to be kept and painted, or retiled without replacement (saving you $$). So the method of removal must be correctly chosen and carefully followed for the best result.

The main wall surfaces we come across at Tile Removal R Us are plasterboard, villaboard, cement sheeting, and rendered brick walls.

Removing tiles from plasterboard

Attempting to remove tiles from plasterboard is an waste of time because tile glue is stronger than plasterboard. New plaster walls need to be installed after tiles are removed. Tiled areas are simply cut out of the existing wall. The advantage of this method is that it’s faster than removing tile from other surfaces. Care must be taken not to damage any material or wall behind the plasterboard, so you still need to take it easy. Once new plasterboard walls are installed, re-tiling cam begin.

Removing tiles from villaboard

Villaboard is usually found in bathrooms. It’s much stronger material than plaster and in most cases, tiles can be removed from the sheet, leaving the villaboard intact underneath. It may be a slower process but there’s no wait for new walls or cost of replacement. If the villaboard remains in good condition, the original tile glue can be scraped off and new tiles laid.

Removing tiles from cement sheeting

Cement sheeting is not usually as strong as villaboard and, like plaster sheeting above, may need to be removed entirely if the glue is stronger. It’s worth trying to just remove the tiles first as sometimes it is possible, but be prepared to remove and replace entire wall.

Removing tiles from rendered brick walls

This is the hardest surface to remove tiles from. use of a small jackhammer to carefully remove tiles one by one from the rendered wall. This works well if the render is hard and in good condition because it can be left behind and retiled. Drummy, soft render must be removed along with the tiles and entire wall rendered again before retiling can occur. This is common in older properties where render has had time to deteriorate, or in areas where rising damp is a problem.

So, understanding the surface underneath the tiles is incredibly important because it dictates the method of removal required. Over many years Len and his team have perfected a method for tile removal for every type of wall. Doing it wrong can cost you time, money and loads of stress, call Len instead on 0417 183 151 and get your wall tile removal sorted by experts.